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Anonymous User

Kimmie Burris

Thank you for all you do to save these animals. I hope you can get this soon as possible.

Virginia M-L.

This incubator campaign is for the TLC-50 Eco Series II model

$205 of $795 raised

I grew up with wildlife around the house because everyone knew my mom would nurse them back to health and release them or just let them hang around. There was always a raccoon or a skunk in my bed. When I started my own family, I didn’t want my small children harassing the animals, but as soon as my children got older, I found myself taking in squirrels and raccoons that needed help. Last year, a local rehab group stopped taking in rabies vector species and I knew we needed to step up and fill that space, so a few other ladies I knew built a new rehab group and started training new rehabbers and working to educate our neighbors on how to coexist with the wildlife we work to rehabilitate and release. I don’t like asking for handouts, but this incubator would be exactly what I need to save so many baby squirrels, raccoons, Opossums and bats that come through my doors. Most of the animals that come into our group come through me for assessment and triage before being routed to other rehabbers and this incubator is absolutely going to get a LOT of use! I really need five more of them!

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Donation Total: $25

Anonymous User


Anonymous User

Kimmie Burris

Thank you for all you do to save these animals. I hope you can get this soon as possible.