Allyson L.
When Allyson saw a rehabber friend carrying her baby squirrels to work at a vet clinic, she knew that the first thing she wanted to do upon retiring was rehab squirrels. She was fascinated with those little creatures curled up in little hammocks in bird cages. After retiring, Allyson began volunteering at the KY Wildlife Center and, with the first squirrel intake of late summer, she carried home a 30 gram baby. She was terrified, but they both emerged from the experience positively -- the squirrel dashing up a tree to freedom and Allyson cherishing each moment as she explored her world. She was hooked…worn out, but hooked, and she has been caring for wildlife ever since. Allyson says that sometimes she is heartbroken. Working with fragile babies is risky, but the joy she has experienced has far outweighed the heartache.