Rondi L.
This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model
Since childhood Rondi has been attracted to wildlife, and she has a soft spot for injured or orphaned animals. As an adult her passion turned into action and she started working with these vulnerable individuals. As more people found out that there was a place for where wildlife could be helped, WildCare Foundation was born. Since 1984 Rondi has taken in over 80,000 wild lives including squirrels, skunks, opossums, raccoons, rabbits, mice and more. What she is most proud of is that they introduce and involve over 100 volunteers and 20 interns a year to the struggles that wild animals confront every day, and allow them to be part of their healing process. Rondi says that we humans have created a lot of unnatural obstacles for wild animals and the least we can do is pick up the pieces. This is her way of saying I’m sorry for being born human, but let me help those that are not.