K.T. C.
This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model
K.T.'s story starts not unlike many others -- on the day she found a 3-4 week old squirrel with her eyes closed. K.T. had been bringing home animals all of her life but had no idea what to do with this baby other than keeping it warm. She got on the phone and found a local rehabber who directed her where to bring the squirrel. The next night they were having a training class so K.T. attended. Under the mentorship of two very gifted wildlife rehabilitators, she raised and released 15 squirrels that first fall. She absolutely fell in love with the process of giving orphaned and injured wildlife a second chance at life. The next spring she started formal training with possums and eastern cottontails and K.T. discovered that she finds a great calm in working with the neonates. Her work with these babies brings her full circle to what her grandfather taught her as a child - to be a good steward of the earth and to take care of what we have so we will have it in the future. With our population expanding at such a rapid pace, K.T. feels that we have to pay attention and take care of the many species of wildlife that are being displaced. They're just trying to survive just like we are. An incubator will help the tiniest babies in her care do just that.