Leslie G.
Leslie entered the wildlife rehab world later in life. She served in the US Navy during the first Gulf War (Desert Storm). When she finished her enlistment, she started attending college. While studying biology, she was looking for volunteer opportunities and stumbled across a rehab center in an out of state but nearby city. She began volunteering there and birds of prey quickly became her passion. She later found a closer rehabilitator and began volunteering at that facility that would eventually become the Dwight R Chamberlain Raptor Center. After working there for several years she graduated college and was offered and accepted a zookeeper position. While working at the zoo Leslie's passion for birds of prey never diminished and she eventually accepted the full-time position at the Dwight R Chamberlain Raptor Ctr where she cares for injured and orphaned hawks, owls, eagles, falcons, and vultures. An incubator will help her care for her tiniest patients.