Brandy L.
Growing up in rural Washington State, Brandy was always a big fan of animals, and experiencing the outdoors and watching wildlife was a big part of her family's life. Brandy moved to San Francisco for art school in 2001, started a career in dog care and got very involved in dog rescue with a local rescue group. As her own dogs became older and started to have their own health problems, she decided to take a step back from dog rescue but still wanted to find a good cause to continue volunteer work with. Over the years of working in the outdoors with dogs she had come across many wild animals in need of rescue and found WildCare through her efforts to get injured wildlife the help they needed. She completed last years summer medical internship and has become a shift supervisor, is on several foster teams, and is a Co-Lead of the pigeon team. An incubator will be hugely helpful when it comes to the foster patients Brandy cares for at home.