Lindsey D.

$475 of $475 raised

While Lindsey was babysitting, the family dog found a rabbit nest and killed one of three infant cottontail rabbits. Lindsey was faced with the decision to leave them to their doom, or take them home. Of course, she took them home and one survived the night. While waiting on responses from rehabbers for her next steps, she started heavily researching the care of wild cottontails. She was fascinated and completely engrossed in a way she had rarely been before. When she managed to get in contact with a wonderful rehabber a couple of days later, it was clear to Lindsey that they needed more rehabbers in the area. She was absolutely sold on being the one to help. Luckily for her, that very first bunny was old enough to be immediately released. Since then, she has tried to use her mental and physical resources to help as many cottontails in need as possible. Newborn bunnies in need are her favorite to care for. She also serves as an emergency transport for her area and commonly gives overnight care and rides to other species in need. An incubator will be a huge help in saving the most fragile babies.