Jamie D-M.

$475 of $475 raised

Jamie started as a baby bird season volunteer at a bird rescue facility. She loved the work and stayed the winter, helping with adult songbirds and birds of prey. The next spring she was asked to train new volunteers, which she did every Saturday for three months every year for three years. In that time she also joined the Phone Team, answering calls about injured birds and taking admissions at the front desk. She also joined the Raptor Team, which does health checks on all raptor patients three times each week, year round. In Feb. 2018, Jamie's family moved 100 miles away to an area that has no wildlife rehab center. She continued to train and work at the bird rescue facility, while also starting up with a home rehab organization near her new home. She is now "the bird lady" in her new hometown and takes calls from animal control, law enforcement, and neighbors. Her large laundry room and enclosed porch are transforming into a true clinic, providing excellent care for native wild birds. Let's get her the incubator she needs for the most fragile babies.