Petra L.
This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model
How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
It has helped me enormously. It is my to go tool to warm up tiny cold babies as they come into rehab with me. For example, this past fall I received four 4-week old grey squirrels. All were ice cold, skinny and full of maggot eggs. Thankfully I had my babywarm incubator which allowed me to warm them up and stabilize them over the next few days. They are now in an outdoor cage, all grown up. Strong, fierce squirrels ready for their freedom. I truly believe they would not have survived if it was not for my babywarm incubator.
How will this additional incubator help?
It will help me with transport of small babies when going to rescue calls to pick them up and also when I have to run errands/ rescue calls etc. but cannot leave a shocky baby at home. Its small size and readiness to run thru a car outlet are an amazing asset. It would also help me to keep turtle eggs warm when the need for transport arises.