Kathleen S-M.

$475 of $475 raised

Kathleen began rehabbing because there was such a need in her area. At that time, a dog and cat shelter was the only place to call with animal questions. Kathleen had a background in zookeeping so she was the person to field all the calls about songbirds, cat attack on rabbits, squirrels fallen from nests and the likes. She began rehabbing wildlife and now, 17 years later, she is the founder of American Heritage Wildlife Foundation. The mission is to conserve the local wildlife through rehabilitation of the injured and orphaned, as well as providing community education. The organization is 100% volunteer so it is not uncommon for Kathleen to juggle her paying job with caring for nestling swallows which require feeding every 15 minutes for 16 hours each day – usually for around 3 weeks time. An incubator will help tremendously with the most fragile babies.