Erika P.

$499 of $499 raised

For many years Erika had been searching for something more, a higher calling as a human being, and then out of nowhere it was there before her eyes. Such a beautiful little creature; furry, innocent, and helpless. She never knew and understood how a baby squirrel could calm the chaos in her Iife. Erika began to research because this baby was all alone. She read about attempts to return to mom, but after two days of trying, mama never came back. She called every animal caregiver that she could possibly think of and was told they couldn't accept new intakes. Erika wasn't ready to care for the baby but she told herself, "this baby has to live, no matter what!" By the grace of God, she raised a healthy baby. It was the most amazing experience to know she saved a life and it was suddenly clear -- this is one of her purposes in life. After surviving her own childhood of abuse and neglect, she learned to love from animals, not humans. Their energy seems to put her storms at ease, and helps her wake up to much better days.