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Laura S.

$499 of $499 raised

When Laura's mother retired, she began transporting injured and abandoned wildlife to licensed rehabbers through a local charity. As a result, Laura had the opportunity to meet several of the caregivers and learn about what they did. There are countless reasons why she started rehabbing herself–having a purpose, making a difference in the world, tackling a new situation with every intake, helping the wobbliest one fight the big fight. Laura says that the reason she loves it, and the reason she will stick with it, is in watching these little ones grow. She had never thought of how much personality a squirrel might have (and they have a lot!) and now she can honestly say that there is nothing more amazing to her than watching them see the world for the very first time and knowing that she helped make that happen. Also, how cute they are when they sneeze. Let's get her an incubator for the most fragile babies.