The Incubators

We exclusively use Brinsea incubators for the Baby Warm program. They’re great quality, easy to clean, and have solid sides to give the babies more security and reduce the stress on them.
A message from a wildlife rehabber about incubators:
My name is Marcia Rybak. I have taken care of wildlife for over 30 years and have been specializing in squirrels and opossums since 2001. I am currently the Executive Director of Coast & Canyon Wildlife in Malibu, California.
Everyone who deals with babies or injured animals knows how important it is to keep these animals warm at optimal temperatures. It’s the difference between life and death. That’s why incubators are an indispensable tool in caring for fragile life.
Over the years, I’ve tried just about every method for keeping babies warm. Homemade incubators using heating pads, light bulbs, fish tank heaters, etc. are dangerous and unreliable. None of these items are made for this purpose and there is a risk of fire, electrical shock or fluctuating temperatures. Homemade incubators have hot and cold spots and can turn off unexpectedly — problems that can result in death of the animals.
I prefer Petiatric & Brinsea incubators above others and this is why. The location of the electrical components makes cleaning very easy. You can dump debris then wash, rinse and disinfect the bottom of the container. The incubator is opaque so that animals feel secure – so there is no need to drape towels or sheets over the incubator. The incubators are reliable. Once a temperature is set, the entire interior stays warm with no hot or cold spots. These incubators are suitable for birds and mammals.
Naturally I want the best for the babies in my care. Petiatric and Brinsea incubators are now my incubators of choice.