Angela W.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model

$240 of $240 raised

How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
So far in the 2 seasons I have had my first incubator, I have been able to take in the smallest of grey squirrels and raise them to release. This past spring I had Sprout, a tiny 13 grams that would have never made it had I not been able to stabilize her temperature. She was a little fighter along with several others throughout the season. So far this season I have had as many as 10 in the incubator at once. It has been a game changer in rehabbing.

How will this additional incubator help?
This incubator will assist when I get calls to pick up the small babies to immediately get them into a temperature controlled environment so that stabilizing them will start instantly. This will allow for quicker recovery and meeting their needs as soon as I arrive home with them. No more waiting to get warm before treatment can start. I not only rehab squirrels but also opossum and cottontails.