Anna M.
This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model
How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
In early june a near death eyes closed, body listless and blue came into my care. After warming up slowly, then tranferring to baby warm incubator, baby started to move after a day of beung in the incubator. While i didn't think he would make it he did. That listless, cold eyes closed baby squirrel was released back into the wild along with many other babies that needed life saving heat and protection. Thank you Baby Warm to continue to provide life saving equipment to us rehabbers.
How will this additional incubator help?
Getting a baby into heat can mean difference between life and death. Sometimes I have to travel across state to rescue wildlife, and I know what a difference it will make to not have to use a heating pad or hot warmers, which do not adequately regulate and distribute heat evenly.