Christin W.
Christin's wildlife rehabbing journey began with two fawns she found in her yard after the momma had been killed by a car. They contacted DNR to see what to do and found out that in her state there were some local, every day people that do rehabbing, but there weren’t many in her area. Christin and her husband looked at each other and both realized they could use their land for something good. They signed up with DNR to be a permitted fawn rehab. Shortly after, they started to get calls about bunnies, and they are hoping to further expand and do other small mammals in the future. Christin's husband is recently out of the Army and will be home full time to help their rehab grow so they can hopefully help more each year. An incubator will be a huge help.
This incubator campaign is for the larger TLC50advanced model that's big enough for little fawns.