Christina O.
This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model
I fell in love with a raccoon named Rickie I cared for while another rehabber was on vacation and couldn't get enough of these crazy critters! The next animals I took in were baby squirrels and my heart melted! I truly believe wildlife rehabilitation is what I'm meant to do! Rehabbing gives me a purpose and unconditional love that sometimes this crazy world doesn't always offer. These animals depend on me and I enjoy raising them, watching them grow and then allowing them to be free the way God meant them to be. Each animal in my care is a special gift and blessing from God and I do my best to care for them!
Mary Williams
Michelle Geordt
Amanda Oates
Kathy Mehalko
David Bohren
I raised a baby squirrel named Bubba a couple yrs ago! Very fulfilling, You Rock!
Barbara Allen
Bev Bittner
Keep up the good work!
Rachelle Cabalistic
Lisa Bradford
Margie Bell
Do you need volunteers or fosters?
Mary Williams
Michelle Geordt
Amanda Oates
Kathy Mehalko
David Bohren
I raised a baby squirrel named Bubba a couple yrs ago! Very fulfilling, You Rock!
Barbara Allen
Bev Bittner
Keep up the good work!
Rachelle Cabalistic
Lisa Bradford
Margie Bell
Do you need volunteers or fosters?
Jean Thompson