Davina C.
How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
My first Baby Warm incubator has helped countless babies since I recieved it. It currently has 5 baby squirrels in it. It has made it to where I could save more babies than before. I am so grateful for it!
How will this additional incubator help?
I moved from Panama City Florida to Bonifay after Hurricane Michael and I now travel to Panama City to get wildlife when needed. It is almost 2 hours to get there so having this would help wildlife stay warm while driving back and forth. I live in the woods now so when I have to get wildlife near me it usually is a decent drive to get it. This would be a lot better option than I have now and more dependable so I didn't have to worry about babies getting cold. I also have a decent drive (usually to Panama City) for any appointments for my kids and I. This would be a God send for me and the babies when we have to be away from the house.