Dawn T.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model

$220 of $220 raised

How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
It has allowed me/us to maintain the proper and constant core temperatures and humidities of each species of neonate & seriously injured wildlife baby we’ve taken in. By doing so it has aided in their growth and recovery times by allowing each animal to expend almost zero energy and calories maintaining their proper body temperature. Which In turn has sped their growth and recovery times. My mortality rate has doubled in Virginia opossums under 25 grams, Eastern cottontails as young as one day old, and all neonate tree squirrel species. Additionally by improving their growth rates, it’s has allowed me to move them out of the incubator faster, and provide the life saving environment for the next groups that arrive.

How will this additional incubator help?
It will provide life saving controlled temperatures, and safe transport back to our rescue and/or our veterinarian. It will also allow us to successfully rescue more neonates and injured wildlife at greater distances from our rescue base.