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Haley G.

$475 of $475 raised

Haley was a student studying Animal Sciences when she developed a fascination for avian ecology and physiology because of how mysterious and underrated bird sciences can be. About halfway through her undergrad experience, in 2015, she started interning with a local federally licensed rehabilitator who accepted every species of bird found in the area. Haley fed babies, helped with emergencies, cleaned wounds, tended to fractures, and learned about specific quirks of certain species. She treasured these valuable experiences. On school breaks and over the past summers, she would visit, volunteer her time, and continue learning all she could. Haley went on to get her own state license, became a member of her state's Wildlife Rehab Council, attend conferences and continue to learn about what it takes to practice on her own. When she moved away last year, she began to take on mainly pigeons, and other non-federally protected birds, but she looks forward to continuing on towards pursuing her federal license.