Heather G.

$499 of $499 raised

Heather's passion for animals started as a young child, when her family would take in orphaned wildlife. It was always a special feeling for her to watch the animals grow, and to be able to release them to their natural habitat. Heather decided to have a career as a vet tech, working in this field for 18 years. She took a special interest in the wildlife when they came into the clinic. When Heather met the wildlife rehabber for her area, she started asking how she could help. She started as a volunteer at the facility and then shortly after decided to help by taking wildlife home for rehab. Heather especially loves caring for squirrels, rabbits and opossum. She did a lot of research for proper care and treatments for these animals. She has found herself being especially drawn toward the opossum as they're so misunderstood by the public, and have special needs for treatments and diet. An incubator will help her care for the most fragile babies.