Heather J.
Heather wanted to work with wildlife since she was a child, and always had a special love for birds of prey. It was not something she was able to pursue until recently because of finances and other circumstances. A few years ago, she decided to volunteer at a rehab facility and knew immediately that she wanted to work with birds of prey. She found Owl Moon Raptor Center in Maryland and now she and her husband have their our apprentice rehab permits and are in the process of equipping their future in-home facility. Heather says that her husband Mark is her biggest supporter and has enabled her to fully pursue her dream. He developed their website, got their nonprofit status, and has dedicated his expertise to the business end of their organization. After a year of planning, Heather recently quit her Federal Government job of almost 20 years so that she can fully devote her time to learning the skills needed for raptor rehab. She says that she cannot imagine doing anything else. Let's get her the incubator she will need to care for the most fragile babies.