Heather R.
This incubator campaign was for the TLC-40 Eco Baby Warm Extra model
After Heather graduated high school she worked for several years as a veterinary assistant. She was right at home as she has always loved animals – wild or domestic. She found a nestling and in searching for help was referred to a wildlife rehabber who asked if Heather would like to volunteer and raise the baby. Heather couldn't pass up that opportunity to raise that nestling, an albino Robin. She then began volunteering under the guidance of her new mentor and raised other passerines and squirrels. Life took Heather in a different direction -- college, work, marriage, kids -- but she eventually would cross paths would the world of wildlife rehab once again through her involvement with her local elementary school. When the Area Rehabbers Klub visited the school with their educational ambassadors, it reminded Heather how much she had enjoyed helping those animals and how much she missed it. As soon as she was able, she joined them. Heather now cares for squirrels, opossums, eastern cottontails, turtles, and fawns. She says that she thoroughly enjoys rehabbing and releasing these creatures back into the wild where they should be, as well as teaching her children to appreciate wildlife and take care of what God has put on this earth.