Holly W.

$1 of $1 raised

Holly has been an animal lover for as long as she can remember. As a child she rallied folks in her neighborhood to donate to the ASPCA regularly and offered free dog walking services because just being around animals made her a happier kid. On her 40th birthday, she bought the farm. Literally. Holly gave up her city life and moved from the city of New Orleans to the rural countryside on Ponchatoula, LA. She purchased a converted barn on 3 1/2 acres with the intention of caring for orphaned and abandoned animals in her free time. She initially only had livestock in mind, but she saw very quickly that there was a need for wildlife rehabbers in her area as well. Holly is currently a licensed subpermittee rehabber and has a network of amazing women rehabbers to show her the way. She recently passed her LADWF rehabber exam and is entering the next phase of attaining her own rehabber permit. An incubator will be such a huge help in caring for the most fragile wildlife babies.