Irena V.H.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model

$230 of $230 raised

Irena loves nature and always tries help people or animal in need, truly believing that we come into this world to do good. In Costa Rica they have so many wild animals suffering from fragmentation of their habitat and the development of cities that are invading their habitat. Irena sees that the animals are in pain -- so many electrocutions, crashes with cars, attacks by dogs. She really feels that they need help, that we are slaughtering our fauna. This is Irena's mission in life, to help them in the best way she can, as well as educate people. She says that she doesn't do want to die thinking of what she could've done for wildlife. At this point the animals need actors, not spectators.

Irena is at Sibu Wildlife Sanctuary and is participating in our special Costa Rica project.