Isabelle P-D.
During Isabelle's third year of Veterinary school, she visited Costa Rica and discovered the need for wildlife rescue and rehabilitation and veterinary conservation support in Latin America. She knew she had found her calling, one that would combine her love for animals, passion for nature and the tropics, and a strong desire to give back and contribute. In her veterinary internship in Guatemala in 1995, Isabella learned about the need for veterinarians to provide medical care for orphans and injured animals confiscated from the illegal trade by "Associacion the Rescate y Conservacion de Animales Silvestres" – ARCAS. Her appreciation for these inspirational people and projects is beyond words and their cooperation continues to day. In 2003 she settled in Belize, Central America with the intention to support wildlife conservation with veterinary services. In 2011 she started the first veterinary teaching clinic for wildlife in Belize, the BWRC. While Isabelle had not planned to start a wildlife center, after 15 years in the field and a serious car accident, she realized that she needed to train Belizeans in what she had learned about rehabilitation and wildlife medicine, in order for rehabilitation support to conservation projects and government to continue beyond her own involvement. Veterinary support required dedicated clinic facilities and several species of wildlife had no facilities that would provide rehabilitation for them, so BWRC took on rehabilitation of certain species. Isabelle provides care for green iguanas, coatis, squirrels, kinkajou, fox, monkeys, turtles and parrots -- this includes wild animals rescued from the illegal pet trade as well as injured and orphaned wildlife. In the case of monkeys and parrots, once the animals are stable and no longer require vet treatments, Isabelle refers them to partner organizations who do the rehabilitation. BWRC also provides field support to conservation breeding of green iguanas, macaws and turtles. While Baby Warm is unfortunately not set up to ship outside the United States, Isabelle is fortunate to have a shipping container leaving the U.S. and headed for Belize with other supplies. Let's make sure a Baby Warm incubator is included.