Jerry L.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model

$230 of $230 raised

How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
The ability to stabilize more of the critical wildlife that come in. I hope baby warm and the company's that help with the incubators fully understand just how many lives they are saving because the animals are in a stable environment allowing them to heal and not expend precious energy generating heat and trying to heal.

How will this additional incubator help?
the ability to further help injured and orphaned wildlife often not so close to home. I went 6 hours one way to get a baby who was alone and no experienced rehabbers in the area in need of being raised and wintered over due to being so late in the season. the microwave disc was only good temporarily and had to cool completely before being reheated and the chemical hand warmers are difficult to keep tiny ones fully warm on, one side of their body gets warm and the other gets cool. the critical babies can easily travel and be as stable as if home allowing rehabbers to be more effective as well as getting out to be social and be discrete without compromising our wild precious lives.