Johanna W.
This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model
How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
My first Baby Warm incubator has enabled me to keep precious baby songbirds warm, hydrated and in a healthy controlled ambient temperature to ensure the best quality rehabilitation care possible! I am SO grateful to have this amazing piece of equipment!
How will this additional incubator help?
In addition to driving all over the state of Connecticut to rescue orphaned and injured wildlife whenever I am called, I also make an annual 300 mile round trip trek from Connecticut to a huge roost in New Jersey with my beloved Chimney Swifts to get ahead of migration so that the little stragglers can have as much opportunity as possible to catch up with the rest of their kin on their extraordinary biannual 6,000 mile migration back to the Amazon River Basin!