Julie G.

$1 of $1 raised

Julie has been in the animal world ever since she was 12 years old and has had 33 years experience working with animals in some capacity -- vet clinics, farms and more. During that time she has worked with a variety of different species but says it is the wildlife which holds her heart. She fell in love with the squirrels when she was working at a vet that often had squirrels brought in, and she also rescued an orphaned squirrel herself and raised it to release. With all of that interaction with squirrels over the years, it wasn't until 3 years ago that Julie discovered wildlife rehabilitation. She recently went through her apprenticeship and will be fully licensed next year to rehab on her own. Right now Julie has 5 critical care baby squirrels who will be kept over the winter for release. An incubator will help their survival as well as the other new squirrels or possums she'll be taking in for the future.