Juniper R.

$689 of $689 raised

How will this additional incubator help?
April 12 at 11:27 pm, Chattanooga's tornado had winds of 145 mph as deadly storms damaged 150 structures in Tennessee including For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue; a home based facility rehab in Chattanooga. Surviving the tragic event was Founder/Director Juniper Russo of For Fox Sake Wildlife Rescue who specializes in Rabies Vector Species such as skunk, raccoon,bobcats,fox but not limited to. By the grace of God there were no casualties with the wildlife patients in care during this time. However the entire rehab facility was destroyed along with her incubator that was currently housing 6 neonate orphaned skunks.

From Juniper:
"At 3 a.m. today, I walked through the rubble of everything I had dedicated my life to, and felt an overwhelming sense of loss. For Fox Sake is my entire life and in the blink of an eye and a twist of a cloud, it was suddenly reduced to rubble. I not only felt like For Fox Sake was gone, but like my entire life’s purpose was gone with it."