Kimberly F.
How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
My incubator changed my life!!! Wildlife that had been admitted prior to my incubator had to be placed on heating pads, hot water bottles, handwarmers and rice packs. If they were critical, most of the time they did not survive. My incubator has changed all that -- baby quail admitted lying on their side cold and lethargic, juvenile squirrels, rabbits, songbirds, goslings, baby ducks, etc., would stabilize and become active usually after an hour, it was amazing. All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart, Baby Warm.
How will this additional incubator help?
Having a incubator for my vehicle would be wonderful and it will save many lives. Many times I will go to pick up orphaned wildlife and receive an additional 2-3 calls, which causes me to remain in town longer, which totally stresses me out. I have to rely on handwarmers, hot water bottles and rice packs for a supplemental heat source for the babies until I get home. Traveling long distance is also an issue and always a stressor. I could finally offer the care they need. At times I have to bring babies with me that are on certain feeding schedules, which involves packing them up with their formula and heat source, just to travel in to town, which also can be scary especially if you have a critical juvenile. A To Go incubator would be wonderful!!!!!!!!!!