Lauren L.

$1 of $1 raised

During high school, Lauren found a baby squirrel that was very weak and cold after a storm. She felt a strong urge to do everything necessary to keep the baby alive and did just that. She researched for hours daily and triple checked each bit of info before she considering trusting it. The squirrel did well and in the two months, she grew beautifully. Lauren was finally able to get to a rehab center and placed the squirrel in capable hands to prepare her for a return to the wild. Ever since that experience she has loved helping wild animals and is now working with a rehabber in order to obtain her state and federal license. During hurricane Harvey, Lauren took in over 20 baby squirrels, 7 baby possums, and two baby rats. She did the best she could with a heating pad but knows that an incubator will make a world of difference in saving her most fragile patients.