Lori B.

This incubator campaign was for the TLC-30 Eco “To Go” Portable Incubator model

$220 of $220 raised

How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you?
Every phone call tase been "darwins grab bag" from Loons and greebs to tiny pinkie mammals and birds and even a baby bat that was smaller than a house key. I have yet to go see my parents when I didn't take someone along or end up picking someone up on the way. the baby warm has given me the opportunity to spend time with dad through his lung cancer treatments and care for my little wild friends. One way to spend time with my dad for chemo was 2.5 hours seeing the little ones always brought a smile to his face. He is now up with the little friends that crossed the rainbow early telling stories and laughing at what I would be bringing home next to care for. the members of the technical committee we are on never broke stride as we talked electronics and fed baby barn swallows every twenty minutes but asked for updates as they grew.

How will this additional incubator help?
I keep the most critical babies and help newer rehabbers with the healthy orphans. it would allow the critical babies to be kept in an environment maybe a bit warmer that the others or keep them in isolation and stable. I can't express in words what the baby warm and all of the sponsors helping with incubators really are paying forward.