Mary K.
Mary's daughter's teacher volunteered at their humane society and she tried to save as many orphaned animals as she could. When she went to Europe, she asked Mary to cover for her. Soon her house was filled with birds and Mary felt ill equiped to care for the multiple species that she had. Her first step was training with the Audubon Society and she received her federal permit in bird rehabilitation. She saw the overwhelming need for a mammal rehabber in her area as there was no one. Mary rescued her first squirrel and knew this was her calling. She took the IWRC classes, word of mouth spread, and soon her home was full of orphaned mammals. Three years ago Mary started Kemp Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc. and received their 501c3 tax exempt charity certification. She began one on one training with volunteers which she still does to this day. She says that this work can be rewarding and also gut wrenchingly painful, but it is her life’s purpose, and an honor to care for each tiny soul that needs her help.