Nanette S.

$475 of $475 raised

Nanette began rehabilitating when a mother squirrel died near her home and the eyes closed orphans began coming down the tree a few days later. Nanette's son Adam was 12 at the time and he helped rescue them. They contacted a nearby experienced rehabilitatator and took the babies to her. After speaking with her and seeing her work, they decided to try to rehab the babies. With their mentor's guidance they were successful. After that they became involved in a fox squirrel rescue and began volunteering for the organization. In 2016 they formed Sunrise Wildlife Rehabilitation. They are also wildlife educators and care for 7 educational ambassadors. They regulary do educataional out reach programs, such as the one pictured here during the slower rehabilitation months of the year. Let's get Nan the incubator she needs to care for the most fragile babies.