Suzanne D.

$475 of $475 raised

When Suzanne left her job as a public librarian, she knew it was the perfect time to pursue fully her desire to care for wildlife. She started intensively volunteering to make sure it was a good match and to her surprise, she fell in love with opossums! Suzanne says that she feels like mankind has caused so much harm and disruption to animals and the environment that any opportunity she had to pay it back and help their lives become easier was one she could not pass up. Through volunteering she learned that she also enjoys helping songbirds, and so she worked to achieve her USFWS license. After 2 years of rehabbing Suzanne saw that there were very few resources or rehabbers for bats, and she knew that would be an excellent place to put her energies. It took another year to get her shots and permit and this year she accepted over 15 bats for care. She feels like she makes the biggest difference when it comes to bats, but she makes her happiest memories working with opossums and the people who bring them for care.